I have a RESTful web API application that consists of several URL calls that return XML content. These tests would consist of (my) declared query string parameters and methods, such as POST, GET, HEAD...
I would like to fully automate the testing of these services in the most simple way possible. It would also be a great benefit if this wouldn't cause any additional costs.
The possibility of saving these tests with my given parameters for later use (to test further API upgrades or changes) would be perfect.
You could try HttpMaster.
It allows you to define dynamic parameters and use them for URL paths or request body. You can then run multiple customized requests in a batch and review responses (with http return codes, of course).
It's quite intuitive with nice GUI and, the most important, it's free. It is also capable to save created tests to a project file.
But it's a standalone tool (not running in a browser), you did not state what type of tool would you prefer (browser or stand-alone).