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Printing multiple pages with printdocument

I'm making program, which: After you select few rows in datagridview it checks if 1 or more was selected. If one, print two copies of report on one page(One report = half page) If more: Print two reports per page, printing as much as needed pages. Problem is, my code prints 4531456453 pages of same report(first and second row) :/

Basic example of code:

yPos = 0
Do While tmpI < mydatagridview.SelectedRows.Count - 1
For Each selectedrow As DataGridViewRow In mydatagridview.SelectedRows
    Dim data as string = mydatagridview.SelectedRows(selectedrow.index).cells(1).value
    Dim data2 as string = mydatagridview.SelectedRows(selectedrow.index).cells(12).value, drawfont, (, drawfont).width/2), 25+yPos), drawfont, (, drawfont).width/2), 50+yPos)
    yPos += e.pagebounds.height/2
    tmpI += 1 
    If yPos > e.pagebound.height/2 Then
        h = 0
        e.HasMorePages = true
        Exit Sub
    End If
Next selecedrow

As of right now, as I said before it prints infinite amount of pages having data and data2 from SelectedRows with indexes 0 and 1.


  • Hope this helps ...............

    Sub PrintIt(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs, byval nRow as Integer,ByVal nY As Integer) 
        Dim data as string = mydatagridview.SelectedRows(nRow).cells(1).value
        Dim data2 as string = mydatagridview.SelectedRows(nRow).cells(12).value
   , drawfont, (, drawfont).width/2), 25+nY), drawfont, (, drawfont).width/2), 50+nY)
    End Sub

    And some modif in your code ..

    yPos = 0
    If mydatagridview.SelectedRows.Count = 1
        yPos += e.pagebounds.height/2
    Elseif mydatagridview.SelectedRows.Count > 1
    Dim x,n As Integer
        For x = 0 to mydatagridview.SelectedRows.Count-1
            If n = 2 Then
                 e.HasMorePages = true
                 n = 0
                 yPos = 0
             End If 
             yPos += e.pagebounds.height/2
             n += 1
    End If