Search code examples

Best way to do paging using redbeanphp?

I started using it recently, and did not like the way I did. Wanted suggestions...

I am using like example:

$all = R::findAll('needle', ' ORDER BY title LIMIT 2 ');


  • First off, that won't do anything for pagination. You need to be passing a page and possibly amount to the server to paginate. Other than that, you are doing it right.

    $all=R::findAll('needle','ORDER BY title LIMIT '.(($page-1)*$limit).', '.$limit);

    Your other option is to select them all and then return only the portion the user is to view, but this is a bad idea if you have thousands of records:

    $needles=R::findAll('needle', 'ORDER BY title');

    To find total pages:
