The question is the following:
- Use accumulative recursion
- Function consumes a string and produces a new string
- Each character that appears consecutively is replaced by the letter and the number of times of its consecutive appearances
- Example: "hellooo" => "hel2o3"
- Question is University Level Based
I've tried the following:
(define (abbreviate str)
(local [(define str-lst (string->list str))
(define (count-duplicate lst char count)
[(empty? lst) count]
[(equal? (first lst) char)
(count-duplicate (rest lst)
(first lst)
(add1 count))]
[else (count-duplicate (rest lst)
(first lst)
(define (build-string lst)
[(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (first lst)
(cons (string->list (number->string
(count-duplicate (rest lst)
(first lst) 1)))
(build-string (rest lst))))]))]
(build-string str-lst)))
But I get the result:
(list #\h (list #\4) #\e (list #\4) #\l (list #\4) #\l (list #\3) #\o (list #\3) #\o (list #\2) #\o (list #\1))
Any help?
I assume, since this is a "university level" question, you're actually learning racket for a class - I assume then that you are using the Advanced Student Language Pack.
My understanding of accumulative recursion is that the program uses some type of memory. Here is a solution I worked on. It's a complete solution to the question and is completely compatible with the Advanced Student Language Pack; code's a bit clunky but you're welcome to refine it of course.
;; abbreviate : string -> string
;; consumes a string and produces a new string, with all occurences of
;; sequences of repeating characters reduced to 1 character and the
;; number of times the character repeats
;; Example
;; (abbreviate "oooo) should be "o4"
;; (abbreviate "thiis iss a teesstt") should be "thi2s is2 a te2s2t2"
;; (abbreviate "magic") should be "magic"
;; Definitions:
(define (abbreviate a-string)
(local ((define memory empty)
(define (count-dupes b)
(cond ((empty? b) 0)
((duplicate? b) (+ 1 (count-dupes (rest b))))
(else 0)))
(define (skip-dupes c n)
(cond ((= n 0) c)
((empty? c) c)
(else (skip-dupes (rest c) (sub1 n)))))
(define (duplicate? a)
(equal? (first a) (first memory)))
(define (load lst)
(begin (set! memory (cons (first lst) memory)) (abbreviate-x (rest lst))))
(define (abbreviate-x lst)
(cond ((empty? lst) lst)
((empty? memory) (cons (first lst) (load lst)))
((duplicate? lst) (cons (+ 1 (count-dupes lst))
(skip-dupes lst (count-dupes lst)))))
(else (cons (first lst) (load lst)))))
(define (string-adapt d)
(cond ((empty? d) empty)
((number? (first d)) (append (string->list (number->string (first d)))
(string-adapt (rest d))))
(else (cons (first d) (string-adapt (rest d)))))))
(list->string (string-adapt (abbreviate-x (string->list a-string))))))
;; Test
(check-expect (abbreviate "hellooo wooorldd") "hel2o3 wo3rld2"
Kind Regards