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CSS transform matrices

I'm using the following CSS rules to do a transformation on a simple H2 element, only text inside it:

-moz-transform: matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 130px, 118px);
-webkit-transform: matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 130px, 118px);

It works as expected in Firefox; i doesn't work at all in Safari/Windows and Chrome/Windows: the H2 stays where it is. Am I doing something wrong or are CSS transforms not active in those two browsers under Windows?


  • Screenshot

    There is some sort of implementation, but it's definitely broken.

    If I remove the px's I can get it to render at least (it doesn't seem to render with them or see it as valid CSS), but it doesnt let the screen scroll down to it like Firefox does. Point it to an location in frame though (without the px's) and it does display. Removing the px's don't seem to make any difference to the position either, which is good.