I'm facing strange behaviour of git and wireless network.
There are three wireless connections available. When using two of them (one of them is at home, the other - in office), I can push to github with no problem. But when I connect to the third one (this one is at home as well), the following command
git push origin
results in endless expectation of any outcome. This expectations only finishes when I break the process. By the way,
ssh -T git@github.com
You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Once I connect to other networks, everything works fine.
P.S. As it was asked:
git remote -v
origin git@github.com:MyName/my_repo.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:MyName/my_repo.git (push)
If ssh fails for some reason, try and switch to an https protocol:
git remote set-url origin https://MyName@github.com/MyName/my_repo.git
See if that still hangs, or if it does ask you for your GitHub's account password.
(note that you can cache those credentials with a credential-helper)