Search code examples

Passing object list from the action to the render phase

I'm working with spring MVC for portlets, and I found a problem.

I need to pass an Object List from the action phase to the render phase. I've tried to use the setRenderParameter, something like this:

actionresponse.setRenderParameter(String string, String[] strings);

Here we have the two methods:

@RequestMapping(params = ACTION_MYACTION)
public final void doAction(MyBean search, Errors errors, ActionRequest actionrequest, ActionResponse actionresponse) {
    String processName = UtilLog.getProcessName(CLASS_NAME, "doAction");
    justlist = null;

    validateBean(consulta, errors);

    if (!errors.hasErrors()) {
        try {

            mylist = myBpelImpl.getList(search);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error(processName, ex);
            processError(actionrequest, null, ex);

    informSuccessMessage(actionrequest, errors, status);


@RequestMapping(params = ACTION_MYACTION)
public final String doRender(@ModelAttribute(value = "myBean") MyBean search, Errors errors, RenderRequest renderrequest) {

List<otherBean> mylist =   renderrequest.getParameter("myList");

    renderrequest.setAttribute(ServletContextKeys.SC_JUSTIFICANTE_LIST, myList);

    return ServletContextKeys.SC_CONSULTA_JUSTIFICANTES;


But this is not working, because in the render phase, it can't convert the String to my Object List. How could I do this..?

At first, I was using a private List mylist at class level, but as far as I know, a controller is a singleton pattern, so we can't use this approach.


  • Add ActionRequest request object into your method signature like as following and add objects as attribute

    @ActionMapping(params = "doAction=searchDeviceResults")
    public void searchResults(@ModelAttribute(value = "searchForm") SearchForm searchForm,
                              BindingResult bindingResult, 
                              ActionRequest request, 
                              ActionResponse response, 
                              SessionStatus sessionStatus) {
        searchFormValidator.validate(searchForm, bindingResult);
        if (!bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
            response.setRenderParameter("doAction", "showDeviceResults");
            List<AccountDetail> accList = accountService.getAccountDetail(adp);
            request.setAttribute("accountList", accList); // here we go

    Another important thing is to add below config tags in portlet.xml so without getting and putting again into render method your request attribute will be available on the JSP.


    Let me know if any issue occurs.