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msxml6.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out

I have old code that call a .net webservices that throws this error if the .net code is cold (not in memory)

msxml6.dll error '80072ee2' 

The operation timed out 

A reload always fixes this

Can I change the timeout? Can I stop the .net from going cold? Can I trap the error in classic asp and do reload to stop the user see the error?

any other idea to solve this.


  • Thanks to Anthony for the hint -pkb

    Here is the documentation and the link to MSDN

    oServerXMLHTTPRequest.setTimeouts(resolveTimeout, connectTimeout, sendTimeout, receiveTimeout)


    resolveTimeout A long integer. The value is applied to mapping host names (such as "") to IP addresses; the default value is infinite, meaning no timeout.

    connectTimeout A long integer. The value is applied to establishing a communication socket with the target server, with a default timeout value of 60 seconds.

    sendTimeout A long integer. The value applies to sending an individual packet of request data (if any) on the communication socket to the target server. A large request sent to a server will normally be broken up into multiple packets; the send timeout applies to sending each packet individually. The default value is 30 seconds.

    receiveTimeout A long integer. The value applies to receiving a packet of response data from the target server. Large responses will be broken up into multiple packets; the receive timeout applies to fetching each packet of data off the socket. The default value is 30 seconds.,lightweight).aspx