Hi i'm new to Mahout so was to trying to run the SimpleKMeansClustering from Github. I dowloaded the Mahout-core jar from Cloudera Repository.
Now when i'm trying to compile my code in eclipse, i cannot find the Vector.Class in org.apche.mahout.math
Please can you let me know where i can find the Vector.class or how to run a clustering example on my own.
Note: I'm using Hadoop Chd4.2.1 and the mahout example for Syntheticcontrol data works fine so its just i'm looking for a custom code for my own data to cluster, so that i can run that in mahout.
Please help we are in a deadline to showcase some capability of Hadoop in Machine Learning.
Your classpath is incomplete.
You are missing the mahout-math jar.
Probably here:
That is the path on my system.