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Zend Rest Route - how to create hierarchical URLs?

I'm developing an API using Zend Framework 1.12.3. I'm using Zend_Rest_Route, but I would like to have hierarchical URLs:

I'm considering of using this approach, since I'd have to assign certain subjects to certain professors, and I belive that this schema solves it neatly.

However, I'm having a hard time achieving hierarchical URLs. I've already tried:

  1. Zend_Controller_Router_Route with Chains, in the config .ini file, but since both the controller and the action have to be specified, when accessing it always pointed to the same action (i.e., whatever the call method was - POST, PUT, GET, DELETE - it always pointed to the action specified in the config .ini file). For example, had I specified the getAction in the config file, using chains it would always call the getAction, no matter what was the method I've used. Currently, when having a POST call, it actually calls the postAction() (similarly happens for PUT, GET, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD and OPTIONS). My Controller file looks like this:

    class V1_ProfessorsController extends REST_Controller
            public function optionsAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function headAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function indexAction()
                    // code goes here - list of resources
            public function getAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function postAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function putAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function patchAction()
                    // code goes here
            public function deleteAction()
                    // code goes here
  2. Subclassing the Zend_Rest_Route and overriding the match() function as pointed out here. The thing is, that while this does work when calling, it still uses the same ProfessorsController that is used when calling I'm not sure about this, but I believe that it would be best having its own controller (e.g. ProfessorsSubjectsController).

Also, I've got a question. How should the hierarchical routes work? Would it be better to have different controllers for different resources/subresources? E.g., having ProfessorsController for and ProfessorsSubjectsController for ?


  • I found a solution somewhere that I modified slightly. This is a custom route class that does what I think we both want it to do.

    require_once "";
    class Rest_Controller_Route extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route
     * @var Zend_Controller_Front
    protected $_front;
    protected $_actionKey     = 'action';
     * Prepares the route for mapping by splitting (exploding) it
     * to a corresponding atomic parts. These parts are assigned
     * a position which is later used for matching and preparing values.
     * @param Zend_Controller_Front $front Front Controller object
     * @param string $route Map used to match with later submitted URL path
     * @param array $defaults Defaults for map variables with keys as variable names
     * @param array $reqs Regular expression requirements for variables (keys as variable names)
     * @param Zend_Translate $translator Translator to use for this instance
    public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Front $front, $route, $defaults = array(), $reqs = array(), Zend_Translate $translator = null, $locale = null)
        $this->_front      = $front;
        $this->_dispatcher = $front->getDispatcher();
        parent::__construct($route, $defaults, $reqs, $translator, $locale);
     * Matches a user submitted path with parts defined by a map. Assigns and
     * returns an array of variables on a successful match.
     * @param string $path Path used to match against this routing map
     * @return array|false An array of assigned values or a false on a mismatch
    public function match($path, $partial = false)
        $return = parent::match($path, $partial);
        // add the RESTful action mapping
        if ($return) {
            $request = $this->_front->getRequest();
            $path   = $request->getPathInfo();
            $params = $request->getParams();
            $path   = trim($path, '/');
            if ($path != '') {
                $path = explode('/', $path);
            $lastParam = array_pop($path);
            // Determine Action
            $requestMethod = strtolower($request->getMethod());
            if ($requestMethod == 'head') {
                if (is_numeric($lastParam)) {
                    $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'head';
                    $return["id"] = $lastParam;
            } else if ($requestMethod != 'get') {
                if ($request->getParam('_method')) {
                    $return[$this->_actionKey] = strtolower($request->getParam('_method'));
                } elseif ( $request->getHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override') ) {
                    $return[$this->_actionKey] = strtolower($request->getHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override'));
                } else {
                    $return[$this->_actionKey] = $requestMethod;
                // Map PUT, DELETE and POST to actual create/update/delete actions
                // based on parameter count (posting to resource or collection)
                switch( $return[$this->_actionKey] ){
                    case 'post':
                        $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'post';
                    case 'put':
                        $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'put';
                        $return["id"] = $lastParam;
                    case 'delete':
                        $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'delete';
                        $return["id"] = $lastParam;
            } else {
                // if the last argument in the path is a numeric value, consider this request a GET of an item
                if (is_numeric($lastParam)) {
                    $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'get';
                    $return["id"] = $lastParam;
                } else {
                    if (isset($data[0]) && is_numeric($data[0])) {
                        $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'get';
                        $return["id"] = $lastParam;
                    } else {
                        $return[$this->_actionKey] = 'index';
        return $return;

    To use this, create all your routes like this in your bootstrap or index.php, two examples:

    $route = new Rest_Controller_Route($front, 'customers/*', array('controller' => 'customers'));
    $router->addRoute('customers', $route);
    $route = new Rest_Controller_Route($front, 'customers/:customer_id/documents/*', array('controller' => 'customers-documents'));
    $router->addRoute('customersdocuments', $route);

    This works as a charm for me. Thou, consider that this is not my final solution so there might be dragons that I haven't discovered so be aware. :)