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Get any image from android phone gallery and use in a ImageView

I have an ImageView in my XML code and I want my application to open this ImageView filled with one of the images I have in my gallery (without I choose one).

I would also like this to work on any android phone (or most of them).

I was trying something like this.

principalActivity_iv_UltimaFoto = (ImageView) findViewById(;
File imagensGaleria = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());
File[] listaImagens = imagensGaleria.listFiles();



  • Ok. Finally I solved my question.

    First I create a cursor and get all the images I have in my gallery phone and get the last photo I took.

    Cursor cursor = pickLastPhotoAlbum();

    After I move the cursor to first line, get the quantity of lines the cursor returned and create a Drawable.

    int qtd = cursor.getCount();
    Drawable backgroundGaleria;

    Third I made an if to see if my cursor is null or not.

    If is null I get a drawable image that I have in my imgs folder.

    If is not null I get the path of the image, set my drawable from path and set the background of my ImageView with this drawable.

    if (qtd > 0){
        String imageGallery = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+ "/Tubagram/" + cursor.getString(1)+".png";
        backgroundGaleria = Drawable.createFromPath(imageGallery);

    To the image doesn't overflow his size you need to set the width and height (I set min, normal size and max) using XXXdp.


    And here is the method who returns values to my cursor

    private Cursor pickLastPhotoAlbum(){
        final ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    final String[] p1 = new String[] {
    Cursor c1 = cr.query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, p1, null, null, p1[1] + " DESC");
    if (c1.moveToFirst() ) {
        Log.i("Teste", "last picture (" + c1.getString(1) + ") taken on: " + new Date(c1.getLong(2)));
        Log.i("Caminho download imagem", "file://"+Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+ "/Tubagram/"  + c1.getString(1) + ".png");
    return c1;

    Thanks to everyone who helped me with this.