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Is it possible to make an attachment optional in paperclip?

Here's how I am using paperclip in my model:

has_attached_file :photo,
  styles: {
    display: {
      geometry: "146x153#",
      format: :jpg,
    message: {
      geometry: "48x48#",
      format: :jpg,

validates_attachment_content_type :photo, content_type: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png','image/gif']
validates_attachment_size         :photo, less_than:    2.megabytes, unless: :record_is_new?

It works fine, however, I want to make the image upload optional i.e. if the user does not wish to upload a picture, the validation should not apply.


  • Solved this, the model had this validation: validates_attachment_presence: photo that i completely overlooked.