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Issues with hover and connecting endpoints jsPlumb

I'm having 2 issues (see

1) Hover works fine on the endpoints, but my connector won't accept colors on hover. Any thoughts? (See Source1 and Target1 in jsbin)

2) After I declare the endpoints and connect them the anchor point seems to be off. (See Source2 and Target2 in jsbin)



  • Solution to part 1: The author of jsplumb suggested I use the following:

    connectorHoverStyle: { strokeStyle:"red" }

    Solution to part 2:

    This was my html to begin:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="">   </script>
    <script src="">  </script>
    <meta charset=utf-8 />
    <title>JS Bin</title>

    Once I removed

    <!DOCTYPE html> 

    the endpoints went back into their proper locations. Not sure if this is a jsbin issue or one of jsplumb, but either way don't leave that tag inside your HTML if you're using jsbin.

    The following image is the before/after of removing that tag. Note how the placement of the endpoint on Target2 (which supposed to be TopCenter) is offset a bit.

    enter image description here