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Ruby IRB - dumping all classes

I am practising with IRB (actually Wirble). I was wondering if any hacking inside IRB could be dumped into a file for later diff-ing, editing and reusing?

You create classes, methods, data on the go, and the interactive session from time to time contains valuable milestones as you evolve with your code - so this would be valuable to reuse in source form.

EDIT: To further clarify the original question: I would like to do this in IRB:

class A; def m1; end; end
class A; def m2; end; end

and then at the end dump class A as

class A

  def m1

  def m2


(not necessarily pretty-printing the code :-) )

EDIT: Re: @DGM/pry: "pry" seems to be cool, but it's introspection seems to be somewhat buggy, and it does not do what is expected. I did what is above, and the m1 method is not listed if I used show-method A :

[1] pry(main)> class A; def m1; end; end     
=> nil

[2] pry(main)> class A; def m2; end; end
=> nil

[3] pry(main)> show-method A#m1
class A; def m1; end; end

[4] pry(main)> show-method A#m2
class A; def m2; end; end

[5] pry(main)> show-method A
class A; def m2; end; end

EDIT: I have filed a bug report, and @banister was very helpful with the pry issue, see the the ticket, there is very valuable data there.

EDIT: @banister suggested using edit and it makes sense to follow that workflow.


  • In Pry, if you create the classes using edit rather than inside the REPL it should work fine, see the following showterm: