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S-expression for directed acyclic graph?

as we know tree structure could be represented in S-expressions. For example

 (5 (4 (11 (7 () ()) (2 () ()) ) ()) (8 (13 () ()) (4 () (1 () ()) ) ) )

But is it possible to use S-expression for a graph (esp. DAG)? e.g.

My second question is what is topology limit of S-expression can represent?

I Googled this quesion and couldn't find a clue, without a formal CS background, I am having trouble figuring this out myself. Please don't close this question. Thanks in advance!


  • Not as a recursive structure, like your binary tree.

    • You could use a list of nodes, and for each store which nodes it is has an edge to.

      ( (2 ())
        (3 (8 10))
        (5 (11))
        (7 (8 11))
        (8 (9))
        (9 ())
        (10 ())
        (11 (2 9 10)) )
    • You could store a list of nodes and edges.

      ( (2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11)
        ( (3 8)
          (3 10)
          (5 11)
          (7 8)
          (7 11)
          (8 9)
          (11 2)
          (11 9)
          (11 10) ) )