I'm using a project which uses the Eigen library. I've had to already fixed an issue where when using the data types provided by eigen within a STL, I get an align error
error C2719: '_Val': formal parameter with __declspec(align('16')) won't be aligned
Once this was fixed i could compile and run.
But now at run time I'm getting another error
Debug Error!
abort() has been called.
So the code in question references my structure and a vector of my structure (with the eigen specially aligned fix):
typedef struct {
Vector4f v4;
Matrix4f M4;
bool b;
} my_struct;
typedef std::vector<my_struct, Eigen::aligned_allocator<my_struct>> my_struct;
Then my code fails after a when I try to create a new my_struct after a certain number of iterations (it can sometimes creates the new object, with no problems), other times it fails.
for (int i = 0; i<len; i++) {
Vector4f vec;
Matrix4f mat;
my_struct* temp = new my_struct();
Any ideas? Tom
Without -DNDEBUG, you should have got an assert sending you to this page. In your case, you should follow this one. In short, add EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW
to your structure such that new my_struct call an aligned memory allocator.