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Iteration through url request collection variables by dynamic evaluation

What i am trying todo in coldfusion cfscript is iterate through a request collection of variables and do some evaluation, which i can do easily in PHP, but am running into issue translating to coldfusion cfscript, because it seems i cannot build a dynamic if statement


for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($aColumns) ; $i++ )
        if ( $_GET['bSearchable_'.$i] == "true" && $_GET['sSearch_'.$i] != '' )
            //If there was no where clause
            if ( $sWhere == "" )
                $sWhere = "WHERE ";
                $sWhere .= " AND ";

I have tried this, errored out

for (i=1; i<= iColumnsLen; i++) {   
  if (rc.bSearchable_&i EQ true and rc.sSearch&i NEQ '') {
            if ( sWhere EQ "" )
            { sWhere = " WHERE "; }
            { sWhere &= " AND ";}

also tried changing the if statement line to this, same

if (rc.bSearchable_+i EQ true and rc.sSearch+i NEQ '') {

finally i attempted building a string and using that , i knew it wouldnt work but i thought i'd give it a shot, error was could not convert var to boolean

for (i=1; i<= iColumnsLen; i++) {
 var iterator = "rc.bSearchable_"&i&" EQ true and rc.sSearch_"&i&" NEQ ''";
  if (#iterator#) {

Here's the static coldfusion without iteration that i am desiring to be done problematically

  if (rc.bSearchable_1 EQ true and rc.sSearch_1 NEQ '') {
            if ( sWhere EQ "" )
            { sWhere = " WHERE "; }
            { sWhere &= " AND ";}
  if (rc.bSearchable_2 EQ true and rc.sSearch_2 NEQ '') {
            if ( sWhere EQ "" )
            { sWhere = " WHERE "; }
            { sWhere &= " AND ";}
  if (rc.bSearchable_3 EQ true and rc.sSearch_3 NEQ '') {
            if ( sWhere EQ "" )
            { sWhere = " WHERE "; }
            { sWhere &= " AND ";}                                     

any help would be much obliged


  • As Leigh says, you just need to refer to dynamic columns like this:

    rc["bSearchable_" & i] 
    rc["sSearch_" & i]