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JavaFX: Massive collision detection optimization (Quad Tree)

I was working on massive collision detection for my game(more than 1000 sprites is massive for my game), and i was searching to find a way to implement this, then i reached to quad tree:

Well it's approach to reduce the number of objects that should be check for collision by dividing them to the groups of objects which have more chance to collide. I found a java version of quad tree here:

Then i change it and use it for my javafx game. but the performance wasn't really good for huge number of objects, so i made some optimisation on it.


  • Well i used AnimationTimer for each tree to check for collisions which has improved performance so much. i think Animation Timer use GPU to process because when i run my code CPU usage doesn't go hight(3% to 5% - 1640 sprites). but if i use Thread instead of AnimationTimer it use much more CPU(about 40% to 50% - 1640 sprites).

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
    import javafx.scene.layout.RegionBuilder;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import viwofx.sprit.Sprite;
    import viwofx.ui.GameScene;
    public class QuadTree
      private int MAX_OBJECTS = 10;
      private int MAX_LEVELS = 5;
      private int level;
      private ArrayList<Sprite> sprites;
      private ArrayList<Sprite> unAllocatedSprites;
      private Region bounds;
      private QuadTree[] nodes;
      private QuadTree parent;
      private AnimationTimer detection;
      private boolean detecting = false;
      private QuadTree getqt()
        return this;
      public QuadTree(QuadTree p, int pLevel, Region pBounds)
        this.parent = p;
        level = pLevel;
        sprites = new ArrayList<>(0);
        unAllocatedSprites = new ArrayList<>(0);
        bounds = pBounds;
        nodes = new QuadTree[4];
        detection = new AnimationTimer()
          public void handle(long l)
            // This for happens when this node has child nodes and there is some object which can not fit whitin the bounds of child nodes
            // these object being checked till they can fit inside the bounds of child nodes then they will be added to correspinding child node,
            // or object is out of bounds then it will be pushed to the parent node
            for (int i = 0; i < unAllocatedSprites.size(); i++)
              if (!isInside(unAllocatedSprites.get(i)))
              int index = getIndex(unAllocatedSprites.get(i));
              if (index != -1)
            for (int i = 0; i < sprites.size(); i++)
              Sprite ts = sprites.get(i);
              if (isInside(ts))
                int ii = 0;
                for (ii = 0; ii < sprites.size(); ii++)
                  Sprite ts2 = sprites.get(ii);
                  if (ts != ts2)
                    Your collision detection logic
                if (parent != null)
                  for (ii = 0; ii < parent.getUnAllocatedSprites().size(); ii++)
                    Sprite ts2 = parent.getUnAllocatedSprites().get(ii);
                    if (ts != ts2 && isInside(ts2))
                      Your collision detection logic
      public int getLevel()
        return level;
      public ArrayList<Sprite> getUnAllocatedSprites()
        return unAllocatedSprites;
      // Split the node into 4 subnodes
      private void split()
        double subWidth = (bounds.getPrefWidth() / 2);
        double subHeight = (bounds.getPrefHeight() / 2);
        double x = bounds.getLayoutX();
        double y = bounds.getLayoutY();
        nodes[0] = new QuadTree(this, level + 1, RegionBuilder.create().layoutX(x).layoutY(y).prefWidth(subWidth).prefHeight(subHeight).build());
        nodes[1] = new QuadTree(this, level + 1, RegionBuilder.create().layoutX(x + subWidth).layoutY(y).prefWidth(subWidth).prefHeight(subHeight).build());
        nodes[2] = new QuadTree(this, level + 1, RegionBuilder.create().layoutX(x).layoutY(y + subHeight).prefWidth(subWidth).prefHeight(subHeight).build());
        nodes[3] = new QuadTree(this, level + 1, RegionBuilder.create().layoutX(x + subWidth).layoutY(y + subHeight).prefWidth(subWidth).prefHeight(subHeight).build());
      private int getIndex(Sprite s)
        int index = -1;
        double verticalMidpoint = bounds.getLayoutX() + (bounds.getPrefWidth() / 2);
        double horizontalMidpoint = bounds.getLayoutY() + (bounds.getPrefHeight() / 2);
        double spriteMaxX = (s.getNode().getTranslateX() + s.getWidth());
        double spriteMaxY = (s.getNode().getTranslateY() + s.getHeight());
        // Object can completely fit within the top quadrants
        boolean topQuadrant = (spriteMaxY < horizontalMidpoint);
        // Object can completely fit within the bottom quadrants
        boolean bottomQuadrant = (s.getNode().getTranslateY() >= horizontalMidpoint);
        // Object can completely fit within the left quadrants
        if (s.getNode().getTranslateX() >= bounds.getLayoutX() && spriteMaxX < verticalMidpoint)
          if (topQuadrant)
            index = 0;
          else if (bottomQuadrant)
            index = 2;
        // Object can completely fit within the right quadrants
        else if (s.getNode().getTranslateX() >= verticalMidpoint && (s.getNode().getTranslateX() + s.getWidth()) < (bounds.getLayoutX() + bounds.getPrefWidth()))
          if (topQuadrant)
            index = 1;
          else if (bottomQuadrant)
            index = 3;
        return index;
      public boolean isInside(Sprite s)
        double maxX = bounds.getLayoutX() + bounds.getPrefWidth();
        double maxY = bounds.getLayoutY() + bounds.getPrefHeight();
        // Object can completely fit within the left quadrants
        if (s.getNode().getTranslateX() >= bounds.getLayoutX() && (s.getNode().getTranslateX() + s.getWidth()) < maxX && s.getNode().getTranslateY() >= bounds.getLayoutY() && (s.getNode().getTranslateY() + s.getHeight()) < maxY)
          return true;
        if (parent != null && parent.getUnAllocatedSprites().contains(s))
          return true;
        return false;
      public void pushToParent(Sprite s)
        if (parent == null)
          if (!unAllocatedSprites.contains(s))
        if (sprites.size() < 1 && unAllocatedSprites.size() < 1)
      public void add(viwofx.sprit.Sprite sprite)
        // if sprite is not fit in the bounds of node, it will be pushed to the parent node.
        // this is a optimization for when child node push a object to this node and object still is not fit in the bounds this node, 
        // so it will be pushed to the parent node till object can be fited whitin the node bounds
        // this if prevent of out of bounds object to being added to unAllocatedSprites and then being pushed to parent
        if (!isInside(sprite))
        // if tree has been splited already add sprite to corrosponding child
        if (nodes[0] != null)
          int index = getIndex(sprite);
          if (index != -1)
        if (!detecting)
        if (sprites.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && level < MAX_LEVELS)
          if (nodes[0] == null)
          int i = 0;
          while (i < sprites.size())
            int index = getIndex(sprites.get(i));
            if (index != -1)
      public List<Sprite> retrieve(List<Sprite> returnObjects, Sprite pRect)
        int index = getIndex(pRect);
        if (index != -1 && nodes[0] != null)
          nodes[index].retrieve(returnObjects, pRect);
        return returnObjects;
      public void startDetection()
        detecting = true;
      public void stopDetection()
        //detecting = false;

    I hope this will be helpful for you.