I want to upload document, file to google docs using Google Apps Engine (python)
any code or link will be appreciated
Solution is with files Upload, You need to read data using below line in python:
function to read file size
def getSize(self,fileobject):
fileobject.seek(0,2) # move the cursor to the end of the file
size = fileobject.tell()
return size
f = self.request.POST.get('fname').file
media = gdata.data.MediaSource(file_handle=f.read(), content_type=gdata.docs.service.SUPPORTED_FILETYPES[ext], content_length=self.getSize(self.request.POST.get('fname').file))
And also need to modify the gdata python library of Google to achieve this:
in def upload_file
while not entry:
entry = self.upload_chunk(start_byte, self.file_handle.read(self.chunk_size))
start_byte += self.chunk_size
while not entry:
entry = self.upload_chunk(start_byte, self.file_handle)
start_byte += self.chunk_size
And you can upload file directory to google doc