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Call Titanium function from JS in Webview

I have titanium mobile app. In this app i have a webview, in which i have local html file. In this html file i call JS function from a local js file. In this js file i would like to call titanium function like:

var fileName = 'test.json'; 
    var file = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, fileName);    

But alert is not going, i suppose because it doesn't know Ti function inside JS.

What is the best way for such cases?

All my app is based on the webviews and i use small JS tricks inside html, but it's necessary for me to contact with Titanium also and it's annoying to make it all through fire\listen events as in appcelerator docs...


  • In webView, the code is execude like in a browser, it's not "compiled" by Titanium (it remains an HTML file). What you only can do is use Ti.App events. If you are carefull managing the Ti.App event (!/guide/Event_Handling-section-29004896_EventHandling-Application-LevelEvents) you can do whatever you want inside a web view, just define a extra couple of eventListener...