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How to estimate homography using RANSAC on SIFT mathing results

In image matching, with Matlab, I found a vector of correspondences of two images using Sift and now I have to estimate the homography matrix. Any simple way to do it? Thanks in advance


  • The book "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman is an excellent resource for this sort of problem, and helpfully they also provide a set of Matlab functions to perform common tasks. Look at this page and download the file vgg_H_from_x_lin.m, which estimates the homography between two sets of points using a linear method. Here's an example (with some completely made-up numbers):

    x1 = [ 10 20; 13 23; 45 35 ].';
    x2 = [ 103 301; 106 305; 80 229 ].';
    H = vgg_H_from_x_lin(x1, x2);

    Alternatively, download the file ransacfithomography_vgg.m to compute the homography using RANSAC. This time you must give an inlier threshold for RANSAC.

    x1 = [ 10 20; 13 23; 45 35 ].';
    x2 = [ 103 301; 106 305; 80 229 ].';
    H = ransacfithomography_vgg(x1, x2, 0.02);