Is there a built in Gray code datatype anywhere in the .NET framework? Or conversion utility between Gray and binary? I could do it myself, but if the wheel has already been invented...
Use this trick.
The purpose of this function is to convert an unsigned
binary number to reflected binary Gray code.
unsigned short binaryToGray(unsigned short num)
return (num>>1) ^ num;
A tricky Trick: for up to 2^n bits, you can convert Gray to binary by performing (2^n) - 1 binary-to Gray conversions. All you need is the function above and a 'for' loop.
The purpose of this function is to convert a reflected binary
Gray code number to a binary number.
unsigned short grayToBinary(unsigned short num)
unsigned short temp = num ^ (num>>8);
temp ^= (temp>>4);
temp ^= (temp>>2);
temp ^= (temp>>1);
return temp;