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What are some alternate ways I can access this php array?


I have a separate problem that I am investigating that seems to be related to the way I am accessing arrays. Hence this possibly odd question.

I have the following array

$response['custom_validation']['agreetotos0'] ='zero';
$response['custom_validation']['agreetotos1'] ='one';

I would like to use the current subscription level to determine the agreetotos name. For the moment let's assume that $subscriptionlevel =1;

That means the value I am trying to retrieve = $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos1'];

I know I can access this value by using $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos'.$subscriptionlevel];

or I can use variable variables to access the array with the following



Are there any other ways?

If yes, what are the advantages/drawbacks of using them?


I haven't properly explained what I am trying to achieve. I'm looking for syntax equivalent to $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos1']

For example, $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos'][1] is not equal to $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos1']


$response['custom_validation']['agreetotos'.$subscriptionlevel] is the same as $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos1'].

Sorry for any confusion.


  • One simple way to do this is..

    $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos'][0] ='zero';
    $response['custom_validation']['agreetotos'][1] ='one';

    And you can access this as..
