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Any way to solve a system of coupled differential equations in python?

I've been working with sympy and scipy, but can't find or figure out how to solve a system of coupled differential equations (non-linear, first-order).

So is there any way to solve coupled differential equations?

The equations are of the form:

V11'(s) = -12*v12(s)**2
v22'(s) = 12*v12(s)**2
v12'(s) = 6*v11(s)*v12(s) - 6*v12(s)*v22(s) - 36*v12(s)

with initial conditions for v11(s), v22(s), v12(s).


  • For the numerical solution of ODEs with scipy, see scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, scipy.integrate.odeint or scipy.integrate.ode.

    Some examples are given in the SciPy Cookbook (scroll down to the section on "Ordinary Differential Equations").