I have a ASP:Menü in vertical style.
The MainItem is only 1 Button, deisgned by a Image (no text, pure image).
The ChildItems are normal Text.
Here is a very high zoomed screenshot: http://s2.imgimg.de/uploads/UnbenanntesBild661673a8png.png
Now, beacuse of the image, the childItems look very... strange, because the ChilItems begin, where the button is not there (very hard to explain, sorry). I want to have the child menü begins at the pixel the button beginns after the white seperator in the image.
So, I want to move the whole childItems 2-4px to the right, how I can do this?
You need to add a left rule to the style of the sub-item, similar to the following:
left: 1px;
You will need to figure out the exact spacing for yourself, as you have not included the actually styling for me to test with.