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java split regex: split string using any text between curly brackets and keep the delimiter

I almost got what I need thanks to another question on here, but not quite.

I am trying to use java's String.split() to break up a string and keep the regex delimiter. My delimiter isn't a single char. Example:

hello {world} this is {stack overflow} and this is my string

needs to break into an array like:



this is

{stack overflow}

and this is my string

I am able to match all text between { and } using {[^}]+} and split a string using it. But I really need to keep the text between { and } as well.


  • Try maybe splitting this way


    It will split on every space that have { after it, or space that have } before it.


    String text = "hello {world} this is {Stack Overflow} and this is my string";
    String[] parts = text.split("\\s(?=\\{)|(?<=\\})\\s"); 
    for (String part : parts)


    this is
    {Stack Overflow}
    and this is my string