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Perl thread shared data

In my script there are n worker threads (0,1..n-1) and each work on the Nth item of the following arrays. Input array is used to provide input to thread and output array accepts the output from the thread. A thread won't access other items of the array. In that case should I declare the array as shared ?

my @ThreadInput   :shared=();
my @ThreadOutput  :shared=();


  • (I shall name "caller" the thread that populates @ThreadInput and consumes @ThreadOutput.)

    Perl variables aren't shared between threads unless marked with :shared. Each thread gets a copy of variables not marked with :shared.


    If the caller populates @ThreadInput before the workers starts, @ThreadInput does not need to be shared, but it will avoid creating a copy of the array for each worker if it is.

    If the caller populates @ThreadInput after the workers starts, @ThreadInput must be shared. If it isn't, changes in the caller's @ThreadInput won't affect the worker's copy.

    @ThreadOutput must be shared. If it isn't, changes in the worker's @ThreadOutput won't affect the caller's copy.

    It's going to be very hard to reuse workers with that model. You should probably be using something more like the following:

    use threads;
    use Thread::Queue 1.03;   # or Thread::Queue::Any
    use constant NUM_WORKERS => ...;
    sub handle_request {
        my ($request) = @_;
        return ...response...;

       my $request_q  = Thread::Queue->new();
       my $response_q = Thread::Queue->new();
       my @threads;
       my $threads;
       for (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
          push @threads, async {
             while (my $request = $request_q->dequeue()) {
                $response_q->enqueue([ $request => handle_request($request) ]);
       ... Add stuff to queue $request_q->enqueue(...) ...
       $request_q->end();  # Can be done later if you want to add more items later.
       while ($threads && my $job = $response_q->dequeue()) {
          if (!defined($job)) {
          my ($request, $response) = @$job;
          ... handle response ...
       $_->join for @threads;