Let's say I have two user models:
object Customer extends Customer with KeyedMetaMapper[Long, Customer] with MetaMegaProtoUser[Customer]
object User extends User with MetaMegaProtoUser[User]
Both from MegaProtoUser
. One is for the frontend, one is for the admin login only, and they're completely different. Now I think I have to add both to the sitemap:
class Boot {
def boot {
val sitemap = List(
Menu.i("Home") / "index",
Menu.i("Admin") / "admin" / "index" submenus User.menus
) ::: Customer.menus
Seems quite simple to me, but it throws an exception:
net.liftweb.sitemap.SiteMapException: Location Login defined twice
Loc(Login, <function1>, LinkText(<function1>), List(If(<function0>,<function0>), Template(<function0>)))
Loc(Login, <function1>, LinkText(<function1>), List(LocGroup(WrappedArray(public)),If(<function0>,<function0>), Template(<function0>)))
How could I add the second login and user edit areas for the Admin user?
(From looking at proto/ProtoUser.scala) Override this:
/** * If you have more than 1 ProtoUser in your application, you'll need to distinguish the menu names. * Do so by changing the menu name suffix so that there are no name clashes */ protected def menuNameSuffix: String = ""
So if you set it to "xx" then instead of Login the menu name will be Loginxx.