Sigh ... can anyone help? In the SQL query below, the results I get are incorrect. There are three (3) labor records in [LaborDetail]
There are two (2) material records in [WorkOrderInventory]
The issue is that the query incorrectly returns the following:
sFunction cntWO sumLaborHours sumLaborCost sumMaterialCost
ROBOT HARNESS 1 12 319.14 236.07
What am I doing wrong in the query that is causing the sums to be multiplied? The correct values are sumLaborHours = 6, sumLaborCost = 159.57, and sumMaterialCost = 78.69. Thank you for your help.
SELECT CASE WHEN COALESCE(work_orders.location, Work_Orders_Archived.location) IS NULL
THEN '' ELSE COALESCE(work_orders.location, Work_Orders_Archived.location) END AS sFunction,
FROM work_orders
FULL OUTER JOIN Work_Orders_Archived
ON work_orders.order_number = Work_Orders_Archived.order_number
WHERE COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = '919630') AS cntWO,
SUM(Laborhours) AS sumLaborHours,
SUM(LaborCost) AS sumLaborCost,
SUM(MaterialCost*MaterialQuanity) AS sumMaterialCost
FROM work_orders
FULL OUTER JOIN Work_Orders_Archived
ON work_orders.order_number = Work_Orders_Archived.order_number
(SELECT HoursWorked AS Laborhours, TotalDollars AS LaborCost, WorkOrderNo
FROM LaborDetail) AS LD
ON COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = LD.WorkOrderNo
(SELECT UnitCost AS MaterialCost, Qty AS MaterialQuanity, OrderNumber
FROM WorkOrderInventory) AS WOI
ON COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = WOI.OrderNumber
WHERE COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = '919630'
GROUP BY CASE WHEN COALESCE(work_orders.location, Work_Orders_Archived.location) IS NULL
THEN '' ELSE COALESCE(work_orders.location, Work_Orders_Archived.location) END
ORDER BY sFunction
Looks to me that work_orders
and work_orders_archived
contains the same thing and you need both tables as if they were one table. So you could instead of joining create a UNION
and use it as if it was one table:
select location as sfunction
(select location
from work_orders
union location
from work_orders_archived)
Then you use it to join the rest. What DBMS are you on? You could use WITH
. But this does not exist on MYSQL.
with wo as
(select location as sfunction, order_number
from work_orders
union location, order_number
from work_orders_archived)
select sfunction,
SUM(Laborhours) AS sumLaborHours,
SUM(LaborCost) AS sumLaborCost,
SUM(MaterialCost*MaterialQuanity) AS sumMaterialCost
from wo
(SELECT HoursWorked AS Laborhours, TotalDollars AS LaborCost, WorkOrderNo
FROM LaborDetail) AS LD
ON COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = LD.WorkOrderNo
(SELECT UnitCost AS MaterialCost, Qty AS MaterialQuanity, OrderNumber
FROM WorkOrderInventory) AS WOI
ON COALESCE(work_orders.order_number, Work_Orders_Archived.order_number) = WOI.OrderNumber
where wo.order_number = '919630'
group by sfunction
order by sfunction