Search code examples

An inherent Flash bug with getChildIndex

I have this code which works perfectly but occasionally - whenever Flash thinks so - it crashes. Here is the debug text produced:

Error #2025


dolly = 10

Dolly added

Generic Chips added

Highlighting SH:[object SurfaceElement]10-[object TSprite]-vex!

ArgumentError: Error #2025

Note that "vex!" is the name of object vex, which is a TSprite (=Sprite).

    public function update(players:Array, showResult:Boolean = false):void {
        try {
            var debug:String = "showResult:" + showResult.toString() + "\n";
            debug += "dolly = " + dolly.toString();

            // RESET columns
            columns.length = 0;
            var column:ChipColumn;

            // add dolly
            var alfa:Number = 1;
            if (showResult) {
                column = getChipColumn(vex.getChildIndex(numberToSH[dolly]));
                alfa = LOSER_ALPHA; // fade-out (non-animated) non-winning columns

            debug += "\nDolly added";

            for (var k:* in players) {
                var player:Player = players[k];
                var bets:Array = player.getBets();
                for (var i:* in bets) {

                    // is there a column already for these chips?
                    column = getChipColumn(i);
                    column.alpha = alfa; // loser..?
                    for (var j:int = bets[i]; j > 0; --j) {
                        var bmp:TBitmap = new TBitmap(chips[k], Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER);
                        bmp.y = - column.numChildren * 5;

            debug += "\nGeneric Chips added";

            if (showResult) {
                var shs:Array = SurfaceElement.NumberToAllSH[dolly];
                for each (var sh:SurfaceElement in shs) {
                    debug += "\nHighlighting SH:" + String(sh);
                    debug += sh.corresponds.toString();
                    debug += "-" + String(sh.parent);
                    debug += "-" + String(;

                    column = getChipColumn(vex.getChildIndex(sh)); // ERROR LINE ?!?
                    column.alpha = 1; // restore alpha
                    column.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xffffff, 1, 12, 12, 3, 3)];

            debug += "\nEnd of Highlighting !!!!!!";

            // sort columns by y
            var sorted:Array = columns.sortOn("sortY", Array.NUMERIC | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY);
            debug += "\n" + sorted.toString();
            for (i in sorted) {
                column = columns[sorted[i]];
                if (!column) break; // pointers to undefined data have arrived (put last)
            debug += "\nEnd of ALL";
        } catch(e:Error) {
            if (!Debug.field.text.length) {
                Debug.field.textColor = 0xffffff;
                Debug.field.appendText(e.message + "\n" + debug + "\n" + e.toString());

    private function getChipColumn(i:int):ChipColumn {
        var column:ChipColumn = columns[i];
        if (!column) {
            column = new ChipColumn();

            // calc column properties
            var sh:SurfaceElement = vex.getChildAt(i) as SurfaceElement;
            var point:Point = sh.getCenterProjected();
            point = billboards.globalToLocal(point);

            column.sortY =;
            column.x = point.x;
            column.y = point.y;
            columns[i] = column;
        return column;

From the debugging text, it's obvious that the error happens here:

debug += "\nHighlighting SH:" + String(sh);
debug += sh.corresponds.toString();
debug += "-" + String(sh.parent);
debug += "-" + String(;
column = getChipColumn(vex.getChildIndex(sh)); // ERROR LINE ?!?

Error 2025 happens when getChildIndex is called for a non-child object. But sh IS vex's child as the parent's name suggests (vex!). And there is only ONE vex.

Another peculiar thing is that the error message (e.message) simply produces: Error 2025 while error-to-string (e.toString()) produces: ArgumentError: Error #2025

Shouldn't it say more like:

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller ??


  • Static global state is a bad thing. In this case, you have no way of knowing whether or not the sh objects you are retrieving from your static array have anything to do with the current "vex" object or not.

    Instead of having SurfaceElement track all instances of itself that have been added, consider having your Vex Class expose a surfaceElements Array (or better yet, Vector). If these are built on the stage (I suspect you're tracking them statically because you don't have a good "handle" on working with timeline/stage objects), then you could do something like this in your constructor:

    public var surfaceElements:Array = [];
    function Vex() {
        var loops:int = numChildren;
        for (var i:int=0; i<loops; i++) {
           var surface:SurfaceElement = getChildAt(i) as SurfaceElement;
           if (surface) {
              surfaceElements[surfaceElements.length] = surface;

    Then, when you are done with that specific Vex, you are also done with its surfaceElements with no crossover.