I have 2 websites: one written in classic asp and another written in ASP.NET (1.1 framework). Both applications use a login mechanism to validate user credentials based on a shared database table. Up to now passwords are stored in a 1-way MD5 hash, meaning people must be given a new generated password if they lose the old one. I now want to change this and make the passwords decryptable.
I found this Rijndael code to use with classic asp: http://www.frez.co.uk/freecode.htm#rijndael
But I cannot find the same solution for ASP.NET. I tried this, but it gives me different encryption and decryption results between the classic asp and ASP.NET code:
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text) And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox2.Text) Then
Dim password = TextBox1.Text
Dim key = TextBox2.Text
Dim keyGenerator = New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(key, 8)
Dim r = New RijndaelManaged
r.Mode = CipherMode.CBC
r.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros
r.BlockSize = 256
r.KeySize = 256
r.FeedbackSize = 256
r.IV = keyGenerator.GetBytes(CType(r.BlockSize / 8, Integer))
r.Key = keyGenerator.GetBytes(CType(r.KeySize / 8, Integer))
Dim transform As ICryptoTransform = r.CreateEncryptor()
Dim encoded As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password)
Dim target As Byte() = transform.TransformFinalBlock(encoded, 0, encoded.Length)
TextBox3.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(target)
End If
I think I'm doing something wrong with generating the key or iv, but I can't find a solution.
I had a quick look at the classic asp files and it doesn't mention the block mode used, whereas your .net code specifies CBC mode and also the padding. Further the classic implementation states:
' 3-Apr-2001: Functions added to the bottom for encrypting/decrypting large ' arrays of data. The entire length of the array is inserted as the first four ' bytes onto the front of the first block of the resultant byte array before ' encryption.
Are you using those functions, if you are then your encrypting the size bytes too.
Be assured the .net encryption works well, I'd guess your problem is in the classic solution you've found. If I were in your position I'd start by simplifying things and just encrypt a single block with each method and then expand from there... good luck