i am sorry for asking such a straight forward and simple question but there is a lot of confusion regarding the use of partition in activity diagrams like :
- is it really necessary to create partitions?
- since each organisation has a number of working units/sub-units,and eventually they will have roles to play,would we need to create partitions in literally every activity diagram we draw for any process flow?
e.g- suppose we have draw an activity diagram for online shopping .customers browse and search for items and later buy it .now there are very fewer roles here so we can clearly draw the diagram without partitions but still we can create them ,in both case they will represent the system so does it really make sense to create them.
The answer to both questions is No. Partitioning is an optional feature for an activity diagram.
UML is most of all a means of communication. When partitioning adds useful information to the ddiagram, then you should include it. When it doesn't add anything to the message presented by the diagram, then you don't add it.