I have found that it's possible to declare such std::multimap:
multimap < u_int32_t, u_int32_t,string> lines;
If it's possible to declare it then it should be possible to insert too
But I wonder how?
I have tried std::pair
, but it seems I need something like std::triple
I know it's possible to decrale some struct and hold into that struct a few values. But I would rather prefer to do it directly. Moreover because it's possible to declare it.
I did serious mistake and it turned out I really understood multimap wrong.
Screams of people here and downvotes made me to reread documentation.
Now I use it so:
struct container {
u_int32_t size_in_blocks;
string name_of_file;
multimap < u_int32_t, container> lines;
// first value is used as a key for sorting
// second value is just a storage
container d;// initialization
lines.insert ( std::pair<u_int32_t,container>( total_size_bytes, d) );
Thanks all!
This is wrong:
multimap < u_int32_t, u_int32_t,string> lines;
The template parameters for multimap
are listed at en.cppreference.com:
class Key,
class T,
class Compare = std::less<Key>,
class Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, T> >
> class multimap;
The first template parameter is the key, the second is the type stored, and the third is the comparator.
You have specified std::string
as the comparator. Clearly this won't do what you want, and I'm somewhat suprised this even compiles. basic_string
does have an operator<
-- that must be why it compiles.
I think you are confused as to what multimap
really is. multimap
is not something that can be used to map between a key and one of mopre different kinds of values. multimap
is the same as map
in that it maps between a single key and a value, except the difference is that with multimap
you can have more than just one value mapped to a single key.