Sorry for the misleading (if there is) question title, as I don't know how to express what I need in 1 question.
I have a dataset as below:
UserId Order Status
1 1 completed
1 2 completed
1 3 incompleted
2 1 incompleted
2 2 incompleted
I want to select those users who have no completed status, for example, with the above dataset the result I get would be
Is there anyway to get the above result with SAS datastep or PROC SQL? Help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
Here's a data step approach, the proc sort will not be necessary if your data is already sorted.
data have;
input UserId Order Status :$11.;
1 1 completed
1 2 completed
1 3 incompleted
2 1 incompleted
2 2 incompleted
proc sort data=have;
by userid order;
data want (keep=userid);
set have;
by userid;
if first.userid then num_complete=0;
if last.userid and num_complete=0 then output;