public function executeProductAllAccept()
$this->observation = ObservationPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getRequestParameter('id'));
), 'observation', 'error');
), 'observation/error?flag=insufficientrights');
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//echo $currentTime.'<br />';
//echo 'after setIsSentBackToPM'.'<br />';
//echo 'after setIsPartAccepted'.'<br />';
//echo 'after setIsHold'.'<br />';
//echo 'after setCostAllAcceptanceTime'.'<br />';
//echo 'after save'.'<br />';
return $this->redirect('observation/myObservations');
This code returns a blank page. Tried in dev enviroment -> again blank page.
So I added some echo's to test where exacly it's failing. The output was:
2013-06-03 10:40:20
after setIsSentBackToPM
after setIsPartAccepted
after setIsHold
after setCostAllAcceptanceTime
So this clearly fails somewhere when executeing save().
Looked in symfony logs:
Looked in apache error logs -> no errors.
So I tried rebuilding the save method -> symfony propel-build-model. But the problem remained. I compared BaseObservation's save method to other model's save methods -> I did not see anything unusual.
I have no idea how to track this down. Any ideas?
EDIT: Updated test:
public function executeProductAllAccept()
$this->observation = ObservationPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getRequestParameter('id'));
echo 'before test plain save'.'<br />';
echo 'after test plain save'.'<br />';
), 'observation', 'error');
), 'observation/error?flag=insufficientrights');
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
echo $currentTime.'<br />';
echo 'after setIsSentBackToPM'.'<br />';
echo 'after setIsPartAccepted'.'<br />';
echo 'after setIsHold'.'<br />';
echo 'after setCostAllAcceptanceTime'.'<br />';
echo 'after save'.'<br />';
return $this->redirect('observation/myObservations');
before test plain save
after test plain save
2013-06-03 10:40:20
after setIsSentBackToPM
after setIsPartAccepted
after setIsHold
after setCostAllAcceptanceTime
Ok, adding
Helped to resolve the problem.
In my case the error was:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Observation::setCostAllAcceptanceTime() in /xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/modules/observation/actions/actions.class.php on line 792
Seems like somewhere between update's 3 lines in schema were lost. When I generated new model then methods setCostAllAcceptanceTime (and 2 other) were not generated and that caused the error.