How do I check from the django code, which User is saving a model currently ?
I need to throw Validation Errors or assign some permissions to him from that.
Assuming you execute the
from a view function, you can get the current user with request.user
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
def myview(request):
model = Model(...)
permission = Permission.objects.get(codename="...")
EDIT: Access the request in a form
The simplest way to get at the request from your form validation code is probably to set a attribute on the form instance:
def myview(request):
form = SomeForm(...)
form.request = request
Inside your form validation logic you can now use self.request
to access the user:
class SomeForm(...):
def clean_somefield(self):
data = self.cleaned_data["somefield"]
if self.request.user....:
raise ValidationError()