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iPhone check if a particular SSID is available

I've been searching for a solution to a problem similar to this one:

iPhone get a list of all SSIDs without private library

So apparently you can't get the SSID of a network you're not connected to without using a private library. I was wondering if it's possible to do it the other way around. So if I know the SSID of a particular network, can I check if it's available/in range without actually connecting to it?


  • Nothing has really changed on this in the last year since the previous answer you've found. I work on the Enterprise side of the fence so I luckily don't have to worry about private APIs affecting my apps. It all boils down to Apple not wanting to allow developers to do sleeve things behind the end-users' backs.

    To answer your question directly, no, you can't programmatically determine WiFi networks in range without the use of Private APIs. Sorry.