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Change tcp/udp port for user

I am using the Linksys SPA3102 with my freeswitch raspberry pi. The PSTN line uses port 5061. I have created a user with ID "23" for the PSTN line however I believe I need to have that user use port 5061. Is there a way to set the port for a particular user? I tried setting "sip-port" in the params to 5061 but it had no effect. I can change the port to 5060 in the SPA3102 and this allows the user to register but then I can't then use it to dial out on the PSTN line.

Here's how I have defined the user:

  <user id="23">
      <param name="password" value="$${default_password}"/>
      <param name="vm-password" value="23"/>
      <param name="sip-port" value="5061"/>
      <variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local"/>
      <variable name="accountcode" value="23"/>
      <variable name="user_context" value="default"/>
      <variable name="effective_caller_id_name" value="Phone Line"/>
      <variable name="effective_caller_id_number" value="23"/>
      <variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="$${outbound_caller_name}"/>
      <variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="$${outbound_caller_id}"/>
      <variable name="callgroup" value="techsupport"/>


  • You can't assign ports to users, only to SIP Profiles. In this case, it seems that what you really want is to use the External Profile. So I suggest you either:

    • Configure your Linksys account to use the default FreeSWITCH external profile SIP port (5080); OR
    • Make your FreeSWITCH external profile use the 5061 port. To do this you need to change the value of external_sip_port to 5061 in vars.xml and execute "sofia profile external restart reloadxml" in fs_cli.