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Web application security testing

We are developing a web application using Spring framework and Hibernate ORM. As far as application security is concerned we are using acegi to provide authentication and authorization support.

Now about user input sanitation, we have tried to take take care about attacks like XSS and sql injections. We have tried to use as much as prepared statements and hibernate criteria for database updates and queries. Inputs are sanitized for javascript also.

For testing these we have tried to use tools like Firebug, Tamper IEand Fiddler2 etc.

We have also used tools like Watch Mouse to do vulnerability tests.

What are the other tools available for web application security and what are the things to be considered before starting a web applications security testing.

Thanks you


  • HP has a security assessment tool called Webinspect, but it not free and I wouldn't recommend it. Either my company doesn't know how to use it, or the tool has no consistency in finding vulnerabilities.