Every request to a handler in my tornado app need to check and validate a key before it processes the request. How could I create a middleware class in Tornado which would check and validate the key before if processes the request?
My middleware class function would look something like this.
class Checker(object):
def process_request(self, request):
key = request.META['HTTP_X_KEY']
except KeyError:
key = None
if key and key == os.environ.get('KEY'):
#Process the request
return None
#Redirect to Home Page
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('http://google.com', status=301)
It is possible to use decorator:
from functools import wraps
def check_key(f):
def wrapper(self, request):
key = request.META['HTTP_X_KEY']
except KeyError:
key = None
if key and key == os.environ.get('KEY'):
#Process the request
f(self, request)
return None
#Redirect to Home Page
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('http://google.com', status=301)
return wrapper
class Checker(object):
def process_request(self, request):