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Programming a web API with test driven development

I'm creating a web API in Python which communicates with some other web API's (Facebook, twitter, etc) en a other web API which is programmed at the same time as my API.

Since I like to use test driven development, I wonder how I can apply TDD to my web API. I know about mocking but how can I mock other API's and how can I mock calls to my API.

Update 1: To specify my question. Is it possible to create a web API with TDD under the conditions specified above. If yes, is there a library I can use in Python to do so?


  • Since your question is rather broad, I'll just refer you:

    Here's a simple example of using mock to mock python-twitter's GetSearch method:


      import twitter
      def get_tweets(hashtag):
          api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='consumer_key',
          results = api.GetSearch(hashtag)
          return results

      from unittest import TestCase
      from mock import patch
      import twitter
      from my_module import get_tweets
      class MyTestCase(TestCase):
          def test_ok(self):
              with patch.object(twitter.Api, 'GetSearch') as search_method:
                  search_method.return_value = [{'tweet1', 'tweet2'}]
                  self.assertEqual(get_tweets('blabla'), [{'tweet1', 'tweet2'}])

    You probably should mock the whole Api object in your unittests in order to still call them unit tests. Hope that helps.