I'm doing a FQL query to get posts from a user:
"feeds": "SELECT type, actor_id, target_id, app_data, action_links, permalink, post_id, viewer_id, created_time, updated_time, source_id, message, description, attachment FROM stream WHERE filter_key = 'owner' AND source_id = <userId> AND is_hidden = 0 LIMIT 50"
For the most part, the results are great. However, if the result contains a post about the user "liking" something, how can I determine what was "liked"?
For example:
"type": null,
"actor_id": <userId>,
"target_id": null,
"app_data": [
"action_links": null,
"permalink": "",
"post_id": "<postId>",
"viewer_id": <userId>,
"created_time": 1369109320,
"updated_time": 1369109320,
"source_id": <userId>,
"message": "",
"description": "<user name> likes a status.",
"attachment": {
"description": ""
Which status?
"type": null,
"actor_id": <userId>,
"target_id": null,
"app_data": [
"action_links": null,
"permalink": "",
"post_id": "<postId>",
"viewer_id": <userId>,
"created_time": 1367029922,
"updated_time": 1367029922,
"source_id": <userId>,
"message": "",
"description": "<user name> likes a link.",
"attachment": {
"description": ""
Which link?
Do I need to do a multi-part query to get the extra data from a different table? Why is the target_id always null?
This is a long standing bug, that hasn't been fixed for reasons unknown https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/522743067756848
There is actually no efficient way to do it in the API.
<postId> = <userid_pId>
The way via Facebook UI would be https://www.facebook.com/userid/posts/pId
I've opened a new bug report but I highly doubt it will be fixed.