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Using localhost at Microsoft apps as a Redirect domain

I am trying to build an application with SkyDrive Api using ASP.Net. I started with the help of this tutorial I tried to create an application in Microsoft Live Connect Developer Center and because my application is a web application I need to set Redirect Domain the problem is I am still at developing mode i tried to add localhost to Redirect Domain but I failed.

I asked this Question and answer it by solving the problem with PageKite but this not helping me right now because I am facing problems with PageKite

Any suggestions about how to solve this problem? Or how to develop an application in with SkyDrive Api?


  • Use windows hosts file to map a domain to localhost. The hosts file is found under Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. Add a line similar to this then save the file.

    Browsing to should open your root IIS default page, You can set the redirect URI to map to your app path in OneDrive e.g.

    Check this link for more info: MSDN Web apps - Testing web apps locally