The 'row' variable returns a single row but it appears the select statement returns a 'rows' object. I want to extract field a and field d from the 'row' variable.
I tried just doing row.a or row.d but this returns an error.
def d_comp():
c_id = request.args(0)
evo_id = request.args(1)
row = db((db.tbl_stat.c_id == c_id) & (db.tbl_stat.evo_type == evo_id)).select()
c = db( == c_id).select(db.tbl_c.ALL)
a = 1
d = 1
p = 1
return dict(c=c,a=a,d=d,p=p)
I solved the question by doing the following inside the html file:
{{for val in row:}}