I sorely miss information on the log level of every line in Log4perl's easy_init
. I'm running a large migration script which fails at some special records, so I need to grep for WARN
ings and ERROR
s, but need the INFO
rmation context to fix those.
Using this code:
use strict; use warnings;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
TRACE "bar";
DEBUG "baz";
INFO "qux";
WARN "quux";
ERROR "corge";
FATAL "grault";
Right now, I get this output:
2013/06/02 13:08:48 qux
2013/06/02 13:08:48 quux
2013/06/02 13:08:48 corge
2013/06/02 13:08:48 grault
I do not want to add this information in the log message, as it's already included in which log function I call.
How to add the log level with easy_init
? I do not want to initialize the "regular" Log4perl with a configuration file (even if included inline) in a rather small script and I like easy_init
for its clear and brief usage.
also accepts hashes as parameters, which enable extended configuration, for example log files and the layout. %-5p
will print the log level, left-aligned to five characters.
use strict; use warnings;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
level => $INFO,
layout => '%d %-5p %m%n'
TRACE "bar";
DEBUG "baz";
INFO "qux";
WARN "quux";
ERROR "corge";
FATAL "grault";
Output will now be
2013/06/02 13:08:56 INFO qux
2013/06/02 13:08:56 WARN quux
2013/06/02 13:08:56 ERROR corge
2013/06/02 13:08:56 FATAL grault
For further placeholders, have a look at Log4perl's PatternLayout documentation.