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JPA: cant persist entity in Managed Bean

I'm new to jpa and jsf. I'm trying to develop simple web app using jpa and jsf. I have installed mysql and have configured Glassfish to work with it. I have created small project, that consists of one Managed Bean and one JPA Entity. While deployment the table is successfully created in database, so connection to database is ok. But I have one issue, I cant't persist any entity in Managed Bean method:

@ManagedBean(name = "data")
public class Data implements Serializable {

    @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "JChatPU")
    EntityManagerFactory emf;

    UserTransaction utx;

    public Data() {

    public void add() {
        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
        try {
            JChatUser u = new JChatUser();
        catch(Exception ex) {

My persistence unit configuration in persistence.xml:

  <persistence-unit name="JChatPU" transaction-type="JTA">
      <property name="" value="create-drop"/>

But I can successfully persist from EJB. So, how to persist from managed bean's method?

Thank's for the future answers.


  • I have solved the issue!

    The problem was in the way I have called bean method:

    <h:commandButton id="add" value="add" action="#{data.add()}" />

    It doesn't work, because we need to plase command button in the form:

        <h:commandButton id="add" action="#{data.meth()}" value="add"/>