I have two vectors, X
of bases and N
of exponents. I want to get the matrix of all values e = xn
for each x
in X
and n
in N
For example, the following input:
X = [2 3 4]'
N = [1 2 3]
should produce:
ans = [2 4 8; 3 9 27; 4 16 64]
Is there a way to get this without looping (just like you can get all values of x×n by using the column by row product)?
Use bsxfun
bsxfun(@power, X, N)
This assumes that X
is a column vector and N
is a row vector. If you want to guarantee that, use the following syntax which is more robust:
bsxfun(@power, X(:), N(:).')