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Why does output of faker::lorem produce dashes at the beginning of the string?

Using faker gem with rails to generate some fake data. When I use faker::lorem the output includes dashes in front of the string.

namespace :db do
  desc "Fill database with sample data"
  task populate: :environment do
    7.times do |l|
      line = Line.create!(sentence: Faker::Lorem.sentences(2))


- Odit consectetur perspiciatis delectus sunt quo est.
- Tempore excepturi soluta aliquam perferendis.

Any idea why this function returns the Lorem with dashes? Easiest way to strip them out?


  • As Kevin and Deefour mention in the comments, Faker::Lorem returns an array.

    Since we're asking Ruby to store it in a string, Ruby interprets it per the guidelines for YAML, which is a way of representing data structures in text.

    If you're encountering this issue, the simplest fix is to use Ruby's built in array-to-string conversion method .join(x), which takes string x as the delimiter to add.