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Cannot find python xlrd version

I have been using xlrd within python. However, xlrddoes not seem to provide a standard way to find its version number! I have tried:

  • xlrd.version()
  • xlrd.__version__
  • xlrd.version
  • xlrd.VERSION
  • xlrd.VERSION()


  • You've almost got it: xlrd.__VERSION__.

    Usually it's useful to see available attributes and methods by calling dir: dir(xlrd).

    You can even iterate through the results of dir() see if version is inside:

    >>> import xlrd
    >>> getattr(xlrd, next(item for item in dir(xlrd) if 'version' in item.lower()))

    A more reliable way, that would work for any installed package, is to use pkg_resources:

    >>> import pkg_resources
    >>> pkg_resources.get_distribution("xlrd").version