I am trying to adapt Brian's Fold for Binary Trees (http://lorgonblog.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/catamorphisms-part-two/) to apply for Multiway trees.
Summarizing from Brian's Blog:
Data structure:
type Tree<'a> =
| Node of (*data*)'a * (*left*)Tree<'a> * (*right*)Tree<'a>
| Leaf
let tree7 = Node(4, Node(2, Node(1, Leaf, Leaf), Node(3, Leaf, Leaf)),
Node(6, Node(5, Leaf, Leaf), Node(7, Leaf, Leaf)))
Binary Tree Fold function
let FoldTree nodeF leafV tree =
let rec Loop t cont =
match t with
| Node(x,left,right) -> Loop left (fun lacc ->
Loop right (fun racc ->
cont (nodeF x lacc racc)))
| Leaf -> cont leafV
Loop tree (fun x -> x)
let SumNodes = FoldTree (fun x l r -> x + l + r) 0 tree7
let Tree6to0 = FoldTree (fun x l r -> Node((if x=6 then 0 else x), l, r)) Leaf tree7
Multiway Tree version [not (fully) working]:
Data Structure
type MultiTree = | MNode of int * list<MultiTree>
let Mtree7 = MNode(4, [MNode(2, [MNode(1,[]); MNode(3, [])]);
MNode(6, [MNode(5, []); MNode(7, [])])])
Fold function
let MFoldTree nodeF leafV tree =
let rec Loop tree cont =
match tree with
| MNode(x,sub)::tail -> Loop (sub@tail) (fun acc -> cont(nodeF x acc))
| [] -> cont leafV
Loop [tree] (fun x -> x)
Example 1 Returns 28 - seems to work
let MSumNodes = MFoldTree (fun x acc -> x + acc) 0 Mtree7
Example 2
Doesn't Run
let MTree6to0 = MFoldTree (fun x acc -> MNode((if x=6 then 0 else x), [acc])) Mtree7
Initially I thought the MFoldTree
needed a map.something
somewhere but I got it to work with the @
operator instead.
Any help on the second example and or correcting what I've done in the MFoldTree
function would be great!
Another solution could be
let rec mfold f a (MNode(x,s)) = f (List.fold (fun a t -> mfold f a t) a s) x
really, we can treat tree as a lineal struct (to fold it).
Use case
> mfold (+) 0 Mtree7;;
val it : int = 28
Filter is the same with normal fold (because mfold
is a normal fold):
> mfold (fun a x -> if x = 6 then a else x + a) 0 Mtree7;;
val it : int = 22
That function could be generic (as List.fold
, Array.fold
, ... could be generics).
"but the intention of the second is to return the whole tree modified so that any nodes which had the value 6 for example now have value 0"
But that is not a fold
computation, is a map
You can do easilly (treating, again, as a lineal struct)
let rec mmap f (MNode(x,s)) = MNode(f x, List.map (mmap f) s)
Use case
> mmap (fun x -> if x=6 then 0 else x) Mtree7;;
val it : MultiTree =
[MNode (2,[MNode (1,[]); MNode (3,[])]);
MNode (0,[MNode (5,[]); MNode (7,[])])])
Again, I suggest to do it for each possible list container (Seq
, List
, Array
, ...), it enable to user select best strategy in context.